Easter | Egret Jewellery - Egret Jewellery

Easter | Egret Jewellery

Easter is a wonderful time of year. The birds are singing, the flowers are growing and we are finally seeing the beginnings of Spring. Everything seems a little lighter, a little brighter and somehow it feels like a weight has been lifted. The dark oppressive nights are slowly coming to an end and we can finally breath again. Don’t get me wrong winter can be amazing, the magic of Christmas, the white snow that covers everything in a veil of brilliance. But it’s just about now that winter is finally taking its toll and we are craving a little more.

It’s a great time of the year, a time for new life, a new sun, a new feel in the air and literally a spring in our step. The birds are finally flocking back and the hibernations are over. There are baby rabbits everywhere and new life on the trees. The months of cold weather and rain are behind us and it starts to feel great to get outdoors again. There is so much to be seen and experienced. As we walk along the mud filled paths under bare trees with just a touch of new life beginning to show though. It’s a time for celebrations, where the children sing their happy Easter songs and the churches ring their bells. It’s a time busy mums and dads are planning Easter egg hunts and chocolate lines the shops.

We really do live in extraordinary times, just looking at things a little deeper can give you a magical perspective and help you to see the wonder that is all around us.

So, put down your phone, turn off your TV and really take a look. For seeing the world through a different light may surprise you.



Egret Jewellery 

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